Saturday, November 8, 2008

Post-exam celebrations

Post-exams a few of my classmates and I went out and celebrated Japanese style by going to an "all you can eat and drink" Japanese restaurant. All for the low, low price of 150yuan! That's like $35AUD? Expensive by Chinese standards, but great value for money because we ordered and drank up a storm.

Vegetarians, look away now! I even thanked the little raw fishies that gave up their lives to be able to have the privilege of swimming around in my stomach. Yum! oh raw salmon, how i love thee. I tried some beef carpaccio (raw beef - or at least beef that had only been seared for all of 1 second in the pan) which was ok, but not the greatest thing I've ever eaten.

Also - can I just say that Japanese people are crazy drinkers? Koreans too! Or at least the ones in my class are. Lots of urging people to scull down alcohol in large quantities and then subsequent cheering and clapping and stomping on the floor. Lachlan, if you're reading this, you would be proud of me, the old Trin who used to be able to drink large quantities of alcohol and still stand up, has somewhat resurfaced. After a LOT of sake shots, asahi beer, some shochu (and later on two vodka/oranges) I was not only still standing but not even vaguely drunk. I got a bit of the Asian red flush earlier on, but it went away once someone let some cool air into the restaurant. Although I don't know how they doctor the alcohol here so maybe I just wasn't get that much alcohol in the system.

However, like I said the Japanese and Koreans all got a bit crazy. One guy (who reminds me of a manga character) was smiling extra hard. Hilarious as he has a deep, dimpley smile and so a constant smile made him look a little bit psychotic, in a happy way of course. Not in an "I think I want to shove a knife deep into your guts and twist it hard" but in an "I've inhaled large quantities of laughing gas" or an "I've had an extreme face lift and know my face is stuck like this forever" kind of way. And another guy, after hitting on a girl for about 20 minutes (I had a bet with this other guy going that they'd hook up within 20 minutes- which I lost) suddenly leapt up for the bathroom to collapse. It's always so flattering when that happens, for me it feels a bit like "oh so you were only talking to me because in your drunken state you probably saw two or three of me and thought this might be a chance for a threesome/foursome? RIGHT then..."

Afterwards a few of us joined some other non-classmates at a club (although first I tramped for 30 minutes in the rain and got my boots all wet). Shanghai clubs continue to be lame and to not interest me that much. I should just give up on it, it's kind of expensive going out here! I should just accept I'm a bit of a granny (although living with my actual granny I've realised I'm not 100% granny yet as I still like to walk relatively fast and I don't complain nearly as much) and stay home. Like I am tonight. Saturday night and I'm sitting at home writing this post and about to watch Project Catwalk (British Project Runway) season 3. That's actually my idea of a pretty good night! The only thing that could make it better would be someone to make snarky/bitchy comments about the lame outfits with me. And no grandma barging into my room at midnight asking why I'm not asleep yet!


Diane said...

koreans = the irish of asia

so a korean once told me...

i also contend that the vietnamese are the russians of asia -- kinda sketch, mail order brides... i can say this of course. and the french are just better looking italians in a bad mood... carla bruni said that. although I added the better looking part :P

Trin the traveller said...

Heh, I remember that from that Carla Bruni article I read at your place! The French are also slightly more sophisticated than the Italians.

What are Chinese then? The Brits? That kind of makes sense...