Sunday, November 23, 2008

How does time pass by so quickly?

It just zooms past. Zoom zoom zoom. I feel like my time in Shanghai will be gone before I've even realised that I'm actually here, if that makes any sense at all. I do feel like I'm getting more of a handle on the city. It's getting colder, but I think I need to go and explore the city some more. I did a little bit today as I was meeting a friend and his girlfriend in a heretofore unexplored area of town. It looked not too far away on the map so I figured I'd just walk. I ended up being 30 minutes late (it took me about 45 minutes to walk there, but partly because I kept having to check my not so trusty Lonely Planet map) but it was ok because they were even later (also underestimated how hard to far away it was!). I am excited because I found a whole street full of restaurants, so I need to go back again sometime. The area is also known as Shanghai's "Koreatown" and although I didn't see any Korean places, there are meant to be a lot somewhere around there. Mmm... Korean! Something I rarely eat in Australia because it sucks in Canberra and I never seem to get around to it in Sydney!

It takes me awhile to get used to a city. I'm also not the type of person that likes to run out and explore willy-nilly before I'm acquainted with things a bit better. And I've never liked going for walks without purpose (I used to take walks to the local shops so that I'd have somewhere to end up at!) so I'll have to figure out some walking purposes...

Weekends go by so quickly, and weekdays crawl but the week speeds up and suddenly it's the weekend again. I think working full time will feel like this too. Except of course I'll have less free time to watch DVDs. Gotta make the most of my free time now. Pity I have to study. :o(

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