Friday, October 24, 2008

You know winter is around the corner when...

I've been making myself multiple cups of hot tea for the past couple of days. The pluses of living with my grandparents is that, being Chinese, they drink tea all day (instead of water) so I've got a ready supply of hot water already boiled and in big urns keeping it hot! No having to wait for the kettle to boil. I do miss some of my teas from home, hadn't realised that mostly they just sell more traditional Chinese teas here. None of your stupidly sweet flavours (but delicious!) like Apple Pie from the Tea Centre or even the nice clean taste of Irish breakfast (with milk). That said, I had a really tasty wheat based tea at a restaurant yesterday which I'm going to try and find.

I do find myself missing coffee though. It's all Nescafe and Starbucks here. Nescafe is all right for all night study sessions where you need to keep yourself pepped up, mixed with a bit of milo, but no milo! And Starbucks is just average coffee at hugely inflated prices. Not that Aussie coffee is right up there with Italian coffee or anything, but at least I can go out for a coffee and get something drinkable. Also I'm a little cautious about milk products, although that hasn't necessarily stopped me when I really want to have something milky (like ice cream... mmmm...) It's selective memory.

I've gone from American Project Runway to Australian Project Runway. American is definitely better, but the Australian version is not as bad as I thought it'd be. I can't imagine it'd be watchable to non-Aussies (due in part to too much slang - seriously, I think Aussies use more slang than ANY OTHER CULTURE!) but it's ok for me.

Another weekend being spent doing not much. Better than going out and getting food poisoning though...

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