Sunday, October 19, 2008

Same same but different

There's a comforting sense of familiarity and stability here in my Shanghai life due in main part to the samesame-ness of family relationships and lifestyles. It's like going back to Canberra after a long absence, although things may have changed, the overall vibe is largely the same. So here I am, it's been about 5 years or so since I last visited and it doesn't feel that different. My grandparents have moved somewhere new, but the furniture is the same and their daily routine remains "get up early, buy vegetables/groceries, prepare and eat lunch, play mah jong all afternoon, prepare and eat dinner, settle down in front of the TV all night and then go to bed early". And that's the same pretty much every single day...

The stability of their daily lives, plus the structured nature of my classes, means that my life is very same same each day. I suppose a little different in that the classes are different, some days I eat with classmates some days I eat at home. But overall the same thing.

I kind of crave novelty a lot so it becomes a little bit dull after awhile. I should appreciate being here more, but staying in one place always seems to mean you lose a bit of excitement in your life. Itchy feet!

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