Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Yosemite and LA

I'm skipping over a couple of days of San Fran because I did almost nothing for them. I did some laundry, relaxed, watched some trashy American TV and caught up on some sleep. Fun, but not exciting. Didn't really deserve the sentence I just wrote about it.

Anyway, Tanzila and I booked a Bug Bus Tour to Yosemite, but unfortunately for us, they didn't have any cabins left so we got stuck camping. There's nothing more annoying than camping when you know there are beds nearby. It was a fun trip but really hazy because of all the fires over here right now. So the amazing views? Not that amazing right now.

Been in LA for a couple of days and stayed with a (mostly absent) friend. Nice to see the city though and drive around a bit. Am in a hostel now in Hollywood. Hollywood is a bit decrepit and not as glam as it probably was 60 years ago. I'll see what it's like in the morning!

1 comment:

Smiley said...

Ah, LA... The land of the everyone-drives-a-car. Did you try the metro there? urgh.