Sunday, July 13, 2008


As I was travelling by boat out here to Isla Mujeres I had a lot of thoughts floating through my head and now that I´m here in front of a computer it´s all a big blank. I´m enjoying Mexico so far for the most part, but I´ve decided that due to lack of time Im just going to limit my time here and get moving along to Belize almost straight after Havana.

It was pretty rough sleeping last night, my room is like a sweat box. Six people crammed into a little room with only three fans, the room ends up being hotter than outside. I drifted in and out of delirium and was rudely awoken by a guy in my room turning on the toilet light so I got up and lay in a hammock outside near the party dance floor. Not the best place to fall asleep, but it was cool at least. This morning I got up early and lay in a hammock again, much quieter this time.

I can´t help but feel slightly wrong and out of place here. Getting used to the travelling life style again is hard. Being a solo traveller is harder than I remember. The place Im staying at now is apparently a party hostel, never my favourite kind. Not that I have anything against partying and all of that, but I just find that I tend to enjoy myself more at places where its a bit more chilled out and relaxed and theres not always this constant need to go go go.

Im glad that Im here and pushing myself out of my comfort zone, but it just seems so much harder this time around. Im older and I dont want the same things anymore. Perhaps I know myself better, I dont even know. it just feels really different this time around. I still like talking to new people and looking around and doing new things, but... I dont know.

I feel kind of like a fraud or something. Like im travelling but im just pretending and everyone else is the genuine article. does that even make sense? its all surreal like im floating way above myself and looking down on it all.

I wasnt as impressed with isla mujeres as everyone else said i would be. Is there something Im missing? Its just a kind of pretty, fairly touristy island with nice sand and clear water. Is that spoilt or what? I think Im beached out. Its great but I dont like to just lie around like a beached whale...

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