Thursday, November 13, 2008

You learn a little, you teach a little

The best part of studying in an international environment (like a language school where people from all over come to learn Chinese) is meeting other people from all over the world. You learn that some things are the same everywhere, but it's all the little differences that are the most intriguing. I also love all the self-realisation/analysis that can occur as you try and explain why something is a certain way or why you do or say a certain thing. That's all a bit abstract, but if you've spoken to other people from another country I'm sure you know what I mean.

Tonight I taught my Japanese friend the meaning of finger quotation marks and I learnt that in Japan that kind of action is the action for a crab. That made me laugh. It's a small thing, but it's little stuff like that - all those moments that make you laugh or cry - they make it all worth it.

I'm exhausted and have a lot of Chinese exercises to do tonight before I go to sleep, but thinking about that makes me smile and gives me just a bit more energy to get through it.