Saturday, December 6, 2008

A very German Christmas (market)

It has suddenly become FREEZING the past couple of days. And out of nowhere. I guess it has been on and off cold the past month of November, but yesterday the temperature just dropped by a gazillion degrees!

And of course I not only had to get up for class that morning (so hard getting up into the frosty frosty air) but had also made plans to go with a bunch of people to a German Christmas market at night! It was fun, but FREEZING! At one point I was standing there and my feet felt like they were about to drop off.

The market itself wasn't so special. It was just like any other market, but like with everything foreign in china, a bit overpriced in my opinion. Then again, special event markets are always a bit overpriced so I guess I just haven't been to one for awhile so had forgotten. Looked around, there were a few stalls selling things I don't need (Christmas decorations, random Chinese items), and some food stalls where we grabbed some dinner. I tried a vegetable soup with spratzle, which is apparently some kind of noodle. It's from the region that one of the Germans is from, but he assured me that it's not meant to be the way I had it. It's apparently usually just dry noodles covered in cheese and maybe some sausage. Oh those Germans, they love that sausage!

We eventually made our way inside (it was held at the Paulaner brewery/restaurant) for some warmth and beer (of course)! A friend treated the rest of us to some pretzels with some various typically German spreads (I think). Too meaty for me (one was lard with pork bits, and one was just like a pate type thing?) but I did enjoy having some butter. Yum! Haven't had any for ages because I am too lazy to go buy some, and my grandparents don't use it. I also had a big wheat beer, which is really quite nice tasting. Also from the south.

Apparently the freezing temperatures made it "truly authentic" so I guess I should feel lucky? As the temperature drops I think longingly of beaches and Australian summer and it makes me miss home just a little more. Home in two months! I'll miss it, but summer! Warmth! No more woollies, pretty pretty dresses!


Diane said...

hihihi. pretzels. yummm. there's actually a bakery near sma that sells pretzels and some other german things. odd...

Trin the traveller said...

yeah! of course chinese ones, so not as good as the real thing I guess, but bready nonetheless. we of course very maturely (i might add) ripped off the small crunchy bits that connect the bits of pretzel and waved them around as they kind of look like... well you know. then I had a small crunchy bit food fight with the japanese boy.