Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Lost posts

I've been extremely re miss in my travel blogging, but it's hard when you're on the go! Also, I guess because I ended up spending so much time in Mexico (due to passport mishaps) I figured I could just condense it all into one huge post. Or something.

Where do I begin? Well I'm now in Costa Rica having hopped across the Mexican/Guatemalan border (worst day ever... 14 hour bus ride during the day... I feel like I slept for a lot of it, but I had food poisoning so it wasn't a good sleep), mostly slept my way through Antigua, Guatemala (still due to food poisoning making me too weak to do anything) and flew to San Jose today. I'm here for another full day because I needed a place to stop where I could take a phone interview and big cities are always a good place for that.

I only have one more week of this solo Central American adventure. I should say "Central American" but really it was more just a Mexican adventure. And less an adventure and more like a leisurely stroll, with a few overnight buses, many plane rides, lots and lots of beach time and probably not as much culture as I initially intended to see. And until the food poisoning, a lot of good eating!

In all honesty I can't say that I've really SEEN a lot or really hit up all the things you're meant to see when you go to Mexico. I've met quite a few people, wandered around a lot of parks and markets, and had a lot of time to think, think, think. I haven't pushed myself hard to see everything, even though I've had only a limited amount of time, and I feel like I've just drifted from place to place. This doesn't make me feel unfulfilled, but just... like I'm not sure what I've spent the past month doing?

Anyway, quick catch up on events in Mexico:
1. Mexico City - got my new emergency passport! Toured around the city and went to the archeology museum. In hindsight trying to cram so much history into two hours? Not so doable...
2. Puerto Escondido - surfie beach town where I met up with a girl I'd met earlier and met a really wild Swiss girl. Lots of delicious sushi. And it turns out I am completely hopeless at surfing which shouldn't be a surprise really...
3. San Cristobal - all I can think about this place is food poisoning and evil vegetarian buffet restaurants that give you food poisoning! So much for trying to eat healthy! I also went horse riding and had a really freaking annoying horse that kept bashing me into trees and bushes and flicking mud up at me. Remind me why I used to like horses?

And that's it! Cloud forests, volcanoes and hot springs in Costa Rica coming up soon! Yay!

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