Saturday, June 14, 2008

Delayed, delayed, delayed

I'm waiting in the Sydney airport for my flight.
It's already been delayed by over 3 hours, and now there's no news. Last I heard I was meant to be board about 20 minutes ago. No call. I've heard one flight has been delayed until 10pm tonight and it was meant to leave MUCH earlier today. They're claiming "maintenance" issues. On so many aircrafts?

At least I have internet now... and it's free!

This is a particularly in auspicious start to my trip. I'm hoping that it's like rehearsal dinners before a wedding, the worse the pre-event, the better the actual event! Here's hoping!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

writing is the best way to while away delays in airport nothing-land isn't it. glad you gots free net, it's a biatch when it's exey.